Shuddha Ahaar (Clean Pure Diet)

Vivekasheel (Discerning/who can judge right and wrong) human beings must feel ashamed of their acts of hatred. On the one hand, they speak the language of Maitri, kindness, compassion and love, and on the other they fulfill their selfish motives by killing Abodh (who do not understand much), innocent and Agyani (having no Dharma Knowledge) living beings. Is it right? Is there any feeling of Maitriful kindness, compassion, sensibility, love and peace in such actions? Isn't it absolutely the attitude of an animal and a Rakshasha (Devil/Demon)? What distinction have we kept between us humans and those violent animals by indulging in such non-Maitriful animal-like behaviour. Do try to know, even just for a moment, what the reality is. In this way, we actually are destroying our own identity, Maan-Maryada (dignity and binding ethics) and our human civilization. The reality is that a human being is not an Agyani (having no Dharma Knowledge) like those violent animals at all. Why should then we do the evil Karmas while being equipped with such a knowledge? We think and tell others that no one should impinge upon our right to eat. But when did we ever think of the rights of those animals, as to what their rights are. In fact, all other living beings have as equal right to live as we do. There is no difference. Only difference lies in the behaviour, attributes, nature and appearance which they have got in accordance with their Karma. Take into consideration for a moment the nature and behaviour of a lion. What type it possesses. Everyone in the world does know the nature of a lion. It certainly does not have the Gyan that it should not kill others, that it should not eat blood and meat. It's not possible because it is in its nature and attributes which make it kill others mercilessly and feed on the blood and meat. It can not survive without meat even. This behaviour of the lion has been gained by it as a result of its Karma. But there is earth and sky difference between the animals and humans due to the Karma fruits received by humans. There can't be a comparison between Vivekasheel humans and Agyani animals. Never do the humans have that kind of nature and attributes that s/he would have to die if the flesh and blood were not consumed. Does our survival depend on those animals? We humans do not have any right to kill others and torment them. We humans rather survive by feeding on pure Shakahari (food taken from plants and trees) food like vegetables, grains and fruits which Gurus have provided by creating them. We can survive by consuming them, not by taking away life of others. Even while having attained a human birth, if we adopt attributes and nature of animals in such ways as an Agyani, then we don't even get a birth as an animal being but instead get a life in hell. In this way, we are destroying this priceless life wastefully. Dharma, Niti (Codes/Tenets) and Shashan (Regime/Order) of Parmatma Bhagwan Gurus are not such that would harm others. They are only to emancipate all living beings through 'Maitri Feeling for All' by giving equal treatment to everyone.
Those who think that by doing Paap (Sin) one accumulates Dharma, those who think that their wishes are granted or obstacles get removed if they sacrifice animals, those who think offering blood and meat pleases Devi-Devatas, should introspect that if those were real Bhagwans, would they want their own child-like animals be sacrificed? They never want that the innocent living beings whom They have created Themseves should ever be killed. Would the survival of the world be possible, if They were of such opposite nature. Would there be any possibility of the existence of kindness, compassion and love? In this way, we humans are committing a grave crime. How can anyone be termed as Bhagwan or Devi-Devata if s/he wants the blood of the living beings. They can not be Bhagwan, and are not even bringing any benefits for us. This is absolutely a Rakshasha's (Demon/Devil's) nature, then how can they do our Kalyan (Dharma Benefit)? Everyone knows the nature of a Rakshasha. The reality is humans kill other living beings to meet their own selfish motives alone. The Chetansheel (Conscious) human beings punish an Abodh (who do not understand much) living being, who happens to be happily lost in the feeling of surrender, causing his/her death. Why do humans, who are considered as one of the best living beings, take diets which harm others and self. Take Shuddha diet renouncing the diets which harm others and self, and see and know all other living beings equal to yourself. If someone indulges in such harmful ways, it is absolutely not in favor of him/her. It is an act of complete destruction. Not only it causes self destruction, but this sin also leads to destruction of our own children. Eventually, Atma gets stuck in Narkiya Kunda (Hell) from where there is no Mukti ever. The Atmas who accept such sacrifices are Pret-Atmas and Rakshasha who can never benefit anyone, are there only for a very short time. Those who try to achieve something by pleasing them, get the birth in the same Juni (Species), and they in the end have no other options left but suffer.